Duff McKagan is the founding bassist of Guns N’ Roses and the leader of Seattle’s Loaded. His column runs every Thursday on Reverb.I’m the last one in our household that keeps trying to push the whole Santa Claus thing. My daughters are 12 and 15, and by moving past the stage of actually buying the myth, my girls have unknowingly swept their father’s feet from underneath him. I love Christmas with little kids, and now my kids are not so little anymore.But the Christmas spirit of giving and thinking of others and just being all-around cool and badass is still alive and well inside of my family, and for that, I am truly grateful. We have our health and our wits are relatively intact. The girls may not believe in Santa any longer, but they have grown into plain ol’ good people.I’d like to make a special request of Santa this year, in absentia of coming to the McKagan household, and all of those other households whose kids have just gotten a bit too old to go in for whole chimney thing.All of us on this planet had our collective feet swept from underneath us last Friday. The tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut will forever leave a black and aching pit in the stomach of every parent on this planet, and a black and aching pit in the stomach of every non-parent I am sure, as well.Santa Claus, will you please take extra special care of those little Sandy Hook Elementary 6- and 7-year-old kids who were hoping to get a visit from you…but now won’t be home to leave you cookies and milk?Santa, will you visit Charlotte somehow?Santa, will you be able to check in on Daniel?For us, Santa, please take care of Olivia.And Josephine will be missed, Santa.Ana will be missed, Santa.Dylan definitely made your “good” list Santa.THESE were only little kids.Madeline, Santa … just a little girl.And Catherine, Santa…you only got to see her for 6 too-short years.Look after Chase, SantaLook after Jesse, Santa.And look after James.And Grace, too, Santa…What about Emilie, Santa? Will you be able to look after her please?Can you visit Jack, too?And little Noah, I’m sure he was good.There are too many names here, Santa. ONE name would be too many.Caroline, we will miss you sweetheart.And Jessica, I hope Santa gives you what you wanted.Avielle, what a pretty name. I know Santa just can’t forget that beautiful name.Santa, can you look after Benjamin?Allison will be waiting for you too St. Nick.Have a good and safe Christmas everyone. Be cool and badass.