Dog ShredderBrass Tactics 12″ EPApril 17, Good To Die RecordsAs our very

Dog ShredderBrass Tactics 12″ EPApril 17, Good To Die RecordsAs our very own Todd Hamm tipped earlier this month, Dog Shredder has come roaring back with Brass Tactics, a three-song EP that leavens its brevity with pulverizing rock bravado. Lightning quick time changes, epic shredding (of guitars, not dogs), and prog-metal thrashing make this Bellingham trio’s (Noah Burns on drums, Josh Holland on guitar/vocals, and Jeff Johnson on bass) three-track onslaught of sound a robust follow up to their 2010 two-song self-released EP, Boss Rhino. Dog Shredder will celebrate the release of their CD with a Good To Die showcase featuring Sandrider, Monogamy Party, and Brokaw, Thursday, April 26th at Barboza.Battle Toads by Dog Shredder