Dead Bars, Dead Bars EP  Out now, No Idea Records,   If

Dead Bars, Dead Bars EP

Out now, No Idea Records, If Bruce Springsteen took a wrong turn at the New Jersey Turnpike and ended up joining a gang of chain-smoking bikers, he might sound a little like Seattle’s Dead Bars. It’s no coincidence, since lead screamer/guitarist John Maiello and drummer C.J. Frederick are both originally from New Jersey, and probably have a lot of The Boss’ DNA in them. Even with the addition of Andrew Robison on guitar, the three are considerably outnumbered by the E Street Band, yet somehow manage to channel that same rousing “Born in the U.S.A.” spirit, funneling it through a punk lens to create blue-collar anthems you can mosh to. These are songs about getting off work at the EMP, going to McDonalds, then hitting up the (now defunct) Funhouse for karaoke. Songs about missing home runs at the Mariners game because you were in the bathroom. This is punk rock for Everyman. Credit must be given to Maiello’s amazing shouting skills. He possesses a rasp so deep and gravelly that it’s astounding he hasn’t popped a blood vessel yet. Listening to “Love Sick” and looking at the EP’s cover art (childhood photos of Maiello and Frederick), it’s hard to imagine how this voice is now coming out of a human that used to be so small and smiley. Next performance: Sat., Sept. 27, Kraken Bar