Creating an intoxicating blend of electronica and fuzzy R&B, Minneapolis-based act, Polica, know how to put on a dynamic show.
At any given moment there’s a lot of things happening on stage. To the left, the rumbling percussion – a pair of drummers, pounding furiously on their kits as they sneak glances at the laptops to their sides. On the right, an energetic bassist moves excitedly across the stage. And up front, singer Channy Leaneagh, slipping between the mike, a laptop and a heavily accessorized synth board.
It’s all of this working together that creates the multi-layered, electro-infused sound that’s found fans in the likes of Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon and hip-hop superstar Jay-Z. And though Leaneagh’s got fire in her belly – enough that her vocals could probably stand on their own – the manipulation takes it to the next level, adding texture and body to her wasp-y style.
The band’s set at the Neptune on Friday played to these strengths, calling on a variety of effects to fill out Leaneagh’s creeping harmonies. The result? An enigmatic 45-minute set of hazy, 80s-synth influenced pop that included standout tracks “Leading to Death”, “Amongster”, and “Dark Star.”
Ultimately, the set was sweet – but far too short. As the crowd weaved through the smoke, trying their best to match Leaneagh’s quirky moves and automated purr, you couldn’t help but feel the sense of wanting more.