Cataldo Seattle pop songsmith Eric Anderson recently completed his fourth full-length album under the Cataldo moniker, a moody and moving addition to his soulful pop portfolio. But this isn’t a record release show; the album, currently bearing the title LP4, is due next year. Rather, this is a band relaunch, during which Anderson will test out some of that fresh material and trot out a new stage show—which, among other things, will debut the songwriter’s clean-shaven face. With Night Cadet, Silver Torches. Barboza. 8 p.m. $10 adv. MARK S. BAUMGARTEN
XVIII Eyes, Chop Suey. See our review of the band’s new album, I’ll Keep You,
Fruit Bats, Neptune. Read our preview
Nightlands started when Philadelphia multi-instrumentalist (and War on Drugs bassist) Dave Hartley recorded the music in his dreams on a bedside recorder and then added lush, intricate instrumentation and vocal harmonies in the studio. His second full-length, Oak Island, arrived early this year, filled with entrancing pop lullabies about space and spirituality. For this tour, Hartley is playing without a band, stripping the songs down to their most elemental state, perhaps arriving closer to the dreams whence they came. With USF. Sunset Tavern. 9 p.m. $8. MSB