By know, you know the story: Last month, Damien Jurado posted a song to MySpace, he tweeted about it, and people loved it. He then promised to post a new home recording each week until May 25, when his new album Saint Bartlett is released. For those keeping track, that’s still nine weeks away. Combined with the six he’s already posted, that’s more than enough to fill another album.Last week, it seemed like Jurado’s project might have gotten the better of him. “Mountains Still Asleep” lacked sparkle; it seemed almost forced, the way an obligatory exercise would. But this week’s song, “Three To Be Seen,” feels creative and interesting. During the opening bars, a guitar and drum attempt to find each other: the rhythms seem to struggle to match up, getting closer until Jurado begins to sing. It feels artful and well-planned. The rest of the song has an easy but tense rhythm; it matches the emotion of the lyrics: “It’s your oldest fear/ that the love you can hear/ will go.”Not every song that Jurado writes in the next two months will be perfect; some will likely feel less inspired at others, but he’s got more hits than misses so far. If he keeps writing songs like “Three To Be Seen” and “Diamond Sea,” one of his earlier weekly songs, he’ll have an elegant, stripped down album at the end of this experiment.