Bobby Bare Jr., photographed backstage at the Sunset in Ballard.I’m not sure why we keep calling all these post-Bumbershoot shows “secret,” since there are no secrets on the internet, but the modifier seems to stick, regardless. Bobby is playing under the psuedonym “Naked Albinos” at the Sunset tonight. The show starts at 9 p.m., you can also catch him playing an in-store at the Ballard branch of Sonic Boom at 6 p.m., which I would imagine you’ll find him drinking at the Smoke Shop at some point in between.Bobby’s latest release, A Storm, A Tree, My Mother’s Head, is out now, and it’s quite possibly his strongest effort since 2002’s Young Criminals’ Starvation League. You’ll find a beautifully shot video of him performing the album’s title track iafter the jump.