…at least when it comes to being able to go on tour

…at least when it comes to being able to go on tour with bands whose fanbase is largely made up of minors. As you may recall, before Starfucker changed its name to Pyramiddd (the two “ds” seem to be a new development), the band lost out on an opportunity to go on tour with Passion Pit. Now they’re opening for the band at their Moore show this Wednesday, which is great for Starfucker Pyramiddd, especially if they’re courting that same, youthful market. It’s a situation other, like-minded bands can learn from: if you want a shot at making it in the mainstream music industry, which is mainly concerned with milking the cash cow that is American teenagers’ disposable income, choose a name that won’t piss off those kids’ conservative parents. In related news, if you’d like a shot at winning a pair of tickets to the show, please check out this related post.