Analyzing Hank Williams Jr.’s “McCain-Palin Tradition”

Are you ready for some torture?

John McCain is floundering. Worse yet, his rallies just can’t find the correct music. Foo Fighters, Heart, John Mellencamp, Van Halen, Gretchen Peters (Martina McBride’s “Independence Day”), and even demographically appropriate Frankie Valli have all asked the Republican candidates to stop playing their music at McCain/Palin rallies.

Happily, Hank Williams Jr.—who apparently is still alive—penned a new tune for the McCain campaign.


The left wing liberal media have

Always been a real close knit family

Analysis: Remarkable admission by Mr. Williams Jr. and the McCain campaign. Are they ceding the family-values issues to the Democrats? Further, let’s point out that I do consider my brethren in the Democratic Party a tight-knit family. However, Al Franken never calls, he never writes…

But most of the American People

Don’t believe em anyway, ya see

Analysis: Not true, as indicated by any poll numbers published by any news organization—such as a New York Times/CBS News survey that had Barack Obama leading McCain by 53 to 36 percent, with 11 percent undecided.

Stop and think it over

Before you make your decision

If they smell something

They’re gonna come down strong

It’s a McCain-Palin tradition

Analysis: Do Democrats govern by a sense of smell?


Now this old Union’s got problems

That is plain to see

Analysis: A surprising admission to hear at a GOP rally, putting the singer in the vast majority who think America is “on the wrong track.” One could argue that those who believe we’re on the right track have no need for “money,” “jobs,” or “food.”

The Democrats bankrupted Fannie Mae ‘n’ Freddie Mac, just like 1, 2, 3

The bankers didn’t want to make all those bad loans

But Bill Clinton said you got to

Analysis: This doesn’t make any sense at all. Lenders didn’t want to make all those bad loans, but a former President—years after leaving office—required them to lend? Some simple understanding of lending-market dynamics should be mandatory for any aspiring songwriter. Paul Simon didn’t become an expert in the commercial-paper market by accident, you know.

Now they want a bailout, what I’m talking about

Is a Democrat liberal who do

Analysis: Please note that not only congressional Democrats and Obama reluctantly supported a bailout, but so did McCain, Republican Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and closet Democrat President Bush.


John ‘n’ Sarah tell ya

Just what they think

And they’re not gonna blink

Analysis: Not true. Have you seen John McCain at a debate? Dude blinks more than a meth addict with a dry contactlens.

And they’re gonna fix this country

‘Cause they’re just like you ‘n’ ole Hank

Analysis: What’s with this “‘n'” stuff? Are Republicans now against spelling out the word “and” because it’s too elitist?

Yes, John is a maverick

And Sarah fixed Alaska’s broken condition

Analysis: What also helped Alaska’s “broken condition”? A massive increase in revenue caused by a commodity-price spike and the resulting massive governmental intervention. Oh, and earmarks. Lots and lots of earmarks.

They’re gonna do just fine

We’re headed for better times

It’s a McCain-Palin tradition.

Analysis: As opposed to the Dark Days of the Bush Administration, which has nothing to do with anything.


I am very proud of America’s name

But no society is perfect

And we have had our stains

Analysis: What stains is he referring to? According to Rush Limbaugh, Gitmo is a resort and Abu Ghraib was a fraternity prank.

If I’m down at the coffee shop and

Somebody wants to give our flag friction

We say please move on

Cause we’re standing strong

That’s an old John McCain tradition

Analysis: I’ve drunk at numerous coffee shops and no one has ever attempted to rub up against an American flag.

[repeat chorus]


Some are bound to tell you I’m

Preaching to the choir

And that is very true

Analysis: Shocking self-awareness, Bocephus.

And we are going even higher

Like a mama bear in Idaho

She’ll protect your family’s condition

Analysis: Like a mama bear in Idaho, Sarah Palin does not think well on her feet. Unlike a mama bear in Alaska, she will not be shot from a helicopter with a high-powered rifle.

If you mess with her cubs

She’s gonna take off the gloves

It’s an American female tradition

Analysis: A bear in Idaho will give birth to one or two cubs in a litter, which, much like Palin’s granddaughter, will all be born out of wedlock after events which never, ever are to be described or interpreted as a choice.

[repeat chorus]