A Cure for the Common Pabst

Drink only one if you suffer from a heart condition.

If the typical Maker’s and soda or PBR isn’t quite doing it for ya these days, Ballard’s Fu Kun Wu has got the prescription. At least the Chinese herbal kind: If Bastyr had a bar, it might include some of the concoctions that the somewhat secret spot (located in the back of a Thai restaurant, with little signage) lists on its exotic menu. Those looking to score should order the “Yojito,” a spin on the traditional mojito, with added yohimbe—a rumored natural libido enhancer. Careful, though—the rise this cocktail can elicit isn’t always desired. Folks with heart conditions are advised to stick to just one, as it can cause a spike in blood pressure. Those looking to satiate an appetite of another kind can order up spicy plates of Thai food from the kitchen (though near to the well-lit dining room up front, the bar feels worlds away with its dark teak furniture and East Asian–inspired fixtures) or just enjoy the live jazz (on Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning at 8:30) as the cocktails (and perhaps your date) begin to take hold.