Ballard gets a nosh spot to complement its many breweries.
Wading gently into Pisces season.
MTV may have stopped filming, but as our cartoonist’s explosive exposé reveals, the cast never left.
Grab a free new local alt-comix newspaper, catch the first Sound Off! battle, and much more.
At Brian Clevenger’s latest, a mentor’s presence is keenly felt.
This week’s lunar eclipse promises to crack open a world of possibilities.
Catch a rare re-screening of “Ghost in the Shell,” learn about presidential power and more.
A trans man’s tale of how Seattle might not be the progressive utopia you think it is.
L’Oursin combines classic technique with Pacific Northwest ingredients.
The eclipse is coming. Are you ready?
A patriot self-investigates some of Donald Trump’s shady dealings via the interwebs.
Baile funk-influenced hip-hop, a duet with a CPR dummy, a museum curator/club DJ and more.
Only John Sundstrom could come up with toppings this sophisticated.
Relationships loom large as we push forward through Aquarius and beyond.
Homelessness doesn’t stand a chance when Mayor Murray dons the cape of justice.
Catch the opening of the Jacob Lawrence retrospective, lots of solid goth and noise music, and more.
Ten tips on taking to the streets and changing the world.
First Eric Donnelly revived seafood at RockCreek. Now the Seattle chef has trained his eye on the land.
It is a big week of transitions as Aquarius moves in and shakes things up.
Chef Vuong Loc’s creative combinations bring dumplings and pizza together at last.