You know what companies like? Lots of free press.You know what people like? Lots of free cupcakes.And it seems that the folks over at Trophy Cupcakes have cleverly figured out how to put two and two together–scoring themselves some nice free press by handing over plenty of free cupcakes.Wanna know the details? Just click through the jump…On Saturday, November 6, the Trophy Cupcakes location in The Bravern will be holding the first “Customer Appreciation Party”–which basically means it’s free cupcake day for those of you on the Eastside.From 11am to 3pm, anyone who shows up will get a free cupcake. There’s also going to be balloons, giveaways, decorating demos and a magician (no, really), but the important thing here is FREE CUPCAKES.What’s more, according to the folks at Trophy, this is only the first of the Customer Appreciation Parties that’ll be happening. Another is being scheduled as we speak on the other side of the bridges, so you broke-ass sugar junkies in Seattle hopefully won’t have to sit on your hands for too long.
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