Yesterday, I admitted to not knowing jack shit about soccer, not caring much about the World Cup, but still caring enough to find you a reasonably comprehensive list of all the places in Seattle where people who do know about soccer and do care about the world cup can go to bend their elbows a bit while watching … I don’t know, Uruguay lose to Antarctica or whatever.And now today, I have been reminded that there is yet another place where the truly dedicated (or those with truly nothing better to do) can watch all those games (matches? contests? whatever … ) showing at odd or unusual times, owing to the fact that this year’s World Cup is taking place halfway around the world in South Africa.Can you guess where I’m talking about?Yes, it’s the 5 Point Cafe. I just got word today that the 5 Point will be showing every single World Cup game live, that the owners just picked up a bunch of 32″ and 50″ HD flat-screens for the express purpose of making sure no one who cares misses the gleam on a single blade of grass, and that the house will, of course, be open 24/7 and serving their normal menu during every one of those hours.”Great food, great drinks, and rowdy crowd,” according to David Meinert, owner of the 5 Point. “The best place to watch the World Cup.”And let’s not forget: the 5 Point serves alcohol and breakfast at the same time, so that puts it in serious contention with all the straight-up bars around the city trying to draw folks in for that crucial 6 a.m. Bosnia/Laos showdown.
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