With nearly three months to go, the first ever Seattle Beer Week

With nearly three months to go, the first ever Seattle Beer Week is taking shape and looking very likely to kick ass. I mention it because there are a few events you might want to jump on very, very soon… I got a chance to talk last week to Matt Younts, the specialty beer guru over at Click Distributing, and he said, “We’ve got a ton of guys coming in who don’t travel that much. Each week we’re adding something amazing to the calendar–an insane brewer’s dinner or very limited edition kegs that will debut around town. It’s going to be incredible, and we hope that one day it can rival Philly Beer Week.More to come…but I promise to be all over this leading up to and during the event. It’s about freakin’ time Seattle got a little cockier about its local brew. That is all. Oh, wait, one more thing… Suck it, Philly!