“The Daily Drink” brings you a must-try libation from our booze columnist

“The Daily Drink” brings you a must-try libation from our booze columnist Zach Geballe.

The last drink of the night is often a carefully considered one. If you don’t want the next day to be a mess of major proportions, then it must be chosen both for it’s ability to ensure a decent night’s sleep and lack of lasting ramifications. Hence why I usually finish my nights out with a digestif of some sort. When I came across a Fernet that I’d never heard of at Bar Ferd’nand, of course I had to try it! The R. Jelinek Fernet is Czech, and has a sweeter, milder taste than the more familiar Fernet Branca. It’s still minty as hell though, so don’t go confusing it for Fireball.

Zach Geballe does a lot of drinking. When he’s not working at The Dahlia Lounge or for his business Vine Trainings, he’s studying for the Court of Master Sommeliers Exam. His weekly column here at Seattle Weekly, The Bar Code, endeavors to inspire, educate and sometimes poke fun at all things beer, wine and spirits related.