Seattle Weekly’s online restaurant guide is huge, routinely updated, and simultaneously searchable by cuisine and neighborhood, as well as extras like “outdoor seating.” Our techs have just built another feature into the guide: Rez, Urbanspoon’s online reservation system. (Rebekah Denn wrote about Rez just before the system launched in late summer.)If you pull up the SW listing for one of the 40 participating restaurants — say, Etta’s Seafood — you’ll see a selection of times when that place has tables available for tonight. A link at the bottom of that widget will give you additional times, if any are available. (On other food-related pages of the Weekly’s website, you’ll spot an all-purpose Rez widget in the margins.)Legal disclaimer: If you can’t get the reservation you want, don’t shake your monitor. The Weekly takes no responsibility for any repair bills you may incur as a result.