Picnic Spot: Burke-Gilman playfieldPicnic Supplies: Metropolitan Market, 5250 40th Ave. N.E., 938-6600. Picnic for Two : Rosemary potatoes and shrimp pasta salad from the market’s kick-ass salad bar, fresh raspberries, two Izze sodas, and two Mexican wedding cake cookies from the market’s equally kick-ass bakery came to $17.14 total. Metro Market is tiny and a bit too pricey for my usual grocery shopping needs, but for a one-time deal, such as, say, a picnic, it’s actually not too bad. I mean, when is the last time you got half a pound of shrimp anything for $3? Exactly. And the Food Network wishes they’d thought of these rosemary potatoes, which have been a favorite of mine for years. Definitely one of the better-quality picnics I’ve ever eaten, though comparing a two-person jaunt on a gorgeous afternoon to group family outings featuring my yearly recommended intake of charcoal with my burger is probably not entirely fair. Walking It Out: There is a little path connecting the Metropolitan Market’s parking lot and the Burke-Gilman Playfield, so your picnic spot is literally steps away. The place is lousy with random picnic tables, as are parts of the Burke-Gilman Trail, which runs behind the building. If you prefer to sit on the grass like my picnic pal and me, there are plenty of trees providing nice shady picnic spots. Just be sure you guard against the temptation to instigate a pinecone fight…especially if you’re with me. When you’re done eating it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to the trail if you feel like a walk, or an equally short distance back to the car if you’re lazy or short on time. If nothing else, just sit and watch thousands of people dressed in teeny-tiny shorts on car-priced bikes whiz by, yelling “on the left” every couple minutes or so. It’s surprisingly entertaining.