Okay, folks. This is one for the champs. As you can see

Okay, folks. This is one for the champs. As you can see from the picture above, this is a burrito. It’s a big burrito. It’s a big burrito smothered in red chile and stuffed with beans and carne asada.Because taking a picture of it in its natural environment would’ve been an instant dead giveaway, I had to get this one to go. And I managed to take only one small bite before snapping this picture for our game this week.Need some more clues? Look for them after the jump…Clue #1: Already gave it to you. Had I shot a picture of this thing in the restaurant it came from, there would’ve been no way for me to disguise its origins.Clue #2: Just like the famous bologna, my burrito has a first name… My burrito has a second name, too. And if you know them, you’ll know exactly where it comes from.So tell me, folks. Can you guess where I’m eating?