In our house, despite a lack of small children, the Easter Bunny

In our house, despite a lack of small children, the Easter Bunny still makes his annual appearance–only atop the dinner table. One year he wore a suit of cacciatore. Another year he came to the party fricasseed with tarragon, and morels. This year I predict he will dress up in a nice tart adobo sauce. All I can say is that he has always been a very good guest–I can’t imagine an Easter when he won’t be invited back. That many not be true of various other guests who object to eating rabbit on Easter.

Rabbit meat is mild and flavorful and takes well to a wide range of sauces. I find cooking rabbit is no harder and not much different than cooking chicken. Although the internet abounds with information on breaking down a whole rabbit carcass, I’ve found that kitchen shears and the goal of small pieces is all I really need.

The main difference between rabbit and chicken–in terms of cooking –is the fat content and texture of the meat. Rabbit is not only learner but firmer. And rabbits are relatively small–usually 3-4lb. This means that there is high ratio of bones to meat. For me, I enjoy rabbit meat most when I can pick up the pieces and eat them with my fingers.

Rabbits are often the prize of hunters and if know how to get your hands on wild game rabbit, please do give me a call. It goes without saying that wild rabbit has an even more complex texture and flavor. Until then, I’ve found that BB Ranch in Pike Place Market sells nice meaty, healthy-looking rabbit from Oregon.

Whenever I am shopping, I ask the vendors how they would cook their products. When I asked about cooking rabbit at BB Ranch, I was told rabbit saddle and liver would likely be on the menu for their Ranch-to-Table Easter dinner.

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