Illustration by Andrew Saegar, tHEARTdept.Hey fellow lushes! Do you love sangria? I sure as hell do, no matter what the calendar says.Yes, most folks get their panties in a twist if you try to serve this high-octane wine cocktail beyond the summer months, but so what? The Wino hopped onto a bar stool at Ocho on a blustery Monday and that sangria immediately brightened my dark and stormy mood.That’s because the stellar cocktail shaker at this Ballard tapas bar makes a super-fantabulous sangria, each one made to order.Read more on the jump!
Photo by Leslie KellyA tumbler full of refreshing, served year-round at Ocho in Ballard.Into a pint glass goes wedges of orange and lime, which are muddled like mad and then come splashes of assorted booze — including brandy — and the teensiest bit of simple syrup and then a kick-ass Spanish red. Shazam! That drink packs a punch. And despite the garish purple color that makes it look as if you’re chugging grape Kool-Aid, it is not the least sticky sweet. Just a tumbler full of refreshing.If you’ve got a friend who you’ve been trying to talk into trying wine, but they refuse to give up their Jager Bombs, order them one of these babies. Betcha didn’t know that sangria is Spanish for wine-bomb. And you will be bombed if you have a couple on an empty tummy. So, what the hell are you waiting for? The tapas at Ocho are fantastic, especially the anchovies and those crispy potatoes with the name I can never spit out correctly even when sober.The Wino loved that drink so much, she stopped at Met Market on the way home and bought a bottle of the red wine that was the heart and soul of the sangria. Las Rocas 2008 Garnacha was on sale for under $10, and after a couple of glasses, I fell asleep and dreamed I was in an Almodovar movie and Antonio Banderas was my love interest. In other words, money well spent. Follow Voracious on Twitter and Facebook.