I pulled a fast one on my kid last week. When she asked for ice cream from Cupcake Royale, I told her we’d go to Menchies instead for a slightly healthier frosty treat. But when the time came, I really didn’t want fro-yo. I wanted ice cream or sorbet! So while she contemplated her options at Menchies in Queen Anne, I hopped directly across the street to Cupcake Royale (telling her I was checking out something for work) and covertly ordered a baby scoop of their port cherry sorbet on a sugar cone. A baby scoop is so small that one can eat it in less than five minutes, which is exactly what I did, with one eye spying on my child as she contemplated which toppings to add to her frozen yogurt. (In my defense, she’d had ice cream the night before.) The thing about the port cherry sorbet is that it actually tastes like real cherries. Cherries, in my opinion, fare just about worst of all in artificial versions. About as bad as watermelon. So when you get a cherry-flavored something that really tastes like its namesake fruit, it’s a joyous occasion. This one gets even better by virtue of being drowned in port and then—wait for it, wait for it… spiked with black pepper and orange zest. Your taste buds are taken for one riotous ride. So, sadly, the port cherry sorbet ended on August 1; however, Cupcake Royale says they’ll still be selling it by the pint this week while supplies last. Next up: peach!