The big news last week on Voracious was all about Dick’s Drive-In. As a matter of fact, the big news for the past couple of weeks has been about Dick’s and their decision to open a new burger joint somewhere in the area. But as I wrote on Friday:
“All day, folks have been waiting for the final announcement. Like waiting on a papal appointment, the election of a president, or the crowning of a king, there has been speculation, attempts at ballot-fixing, and all manner of debate over where the new Dick’s Drive-In (the first new Dick’s in 36 years) should be located.
“But now we know for sure where the Spady family will be putting down new roots. Now we know the spot that will be the test location for what may become two additional new locations in the coming years.
“And the location of the new Dick’s is . . . “
Edmonds. The corner of 220th Street and Highway 99, next to TOP Food & Drug.
Long before the Spady family spilled the beans about the new Dick’s, we were talking about the new Twirl Cafe opening at 2111 Queen Anne Ave. N. (with coffee, organic sandwiches, and a play area for the rugrats); eating shrimp balls at Canton Wonton House in the I.D.; paying way too much attention to the return of the McRib to McDonald’s locations across the country (actually the fourth or fifth return of the sandwich that refuses to die); and showing you how to carve your Halloween pumpkin into the face of Spock—with a freakin’ laser.
Grillaxin’ spent days talking with Cajetan Mendonz about what’s arguably the best damn Indian food in Seattle—which happens to be served at Saffron Spice, the tiny stall inside Pike Place Market. Meanwhile, we were also looking into Seattle’s top five soups—which, in our not-so-humble opinion, come from Sound Soups, Pasta & Co., Carmelita, The Sitting Room, and Harborview Ninth Avenue Cafe. Think we got that list wrong? That’s cool. So did lots of other people. But then, you’re just gonna have to get on over to the Voracious blog to see all the other suggestions for the best soup in the city.
John Howie Steak almost got involved in a lawsuit over the name of one of their burgers, but then found a rather clever way out of the mess. We also discussed what $1,250 will get you for one night’s dinner at the James Beard House (hint: lots of truffles), then changed course and talked about 10 of the worst food-related Halloween costumes at any price.
Ever wondered what food and drink goes best with a cocaine jag? Food Pairing for the Modern Sophisticate ran down all the best options. The new Japanese-Thai fusion restaurant Sushi Thai Yummy Yummy in the U District has one of the best names ever. Finally, Kelly’s in Belltown—the most intimidating dive bar in the whole city—closed following the death of its owner, Mary Costello Abbey.
One less place for a boilermaker. One more place for a cheeseburger. This is how the universe evens itself out.