Downtown workers, you have another two hours to picnic on the smallest patch of green downtown. From 11 to 2 today, many of the parking spots on University next to SAM have been repaved in real and fake grass. They’re part of Park(ing) Day, a one-day art/green festival taking place all over the world. (Seattle’s 30 mini-park spaces were organized by Feet First.)There are parks all over Capitol Hill and in the U District, Greenwood, Ballard, Columbia City, and South Lake Union. But SAM’s spots offer exhibits, lawn chairs, music, and a ride in an odd “low-impact” contraption involving six-foot-high wheels and a few straps to suspend yourself in. Today would also be the perfect opportunity to check out Mobatta Crepes’ new location on First at University, just next to the Harbor Steps. This ham and cheese crepe cost $5, plus $1 tip for the sass from Andrew the crepemaker (“It’s just my New York sense of humor”). Nutella and lemon-sugar crepes are even cheaper, though feel free to tip more for the sass.