Considering the heat wave we’ve been experiencing—particularly lengthy and early in the

Considering the heat wave we’ve been experiencing—particularly lengthy and early in the summer for Seattle—I just couldn’t think of anything that really hit the spot better than a glass of ice water. It’s been so hot that they’ve not only provided necessary cooling and hydration, but have actually tasted like something. I can’t pinpoint what that something is, other than not like plain old water. And, really, when else do we actually get to discuss the wonder of water (bikers, marathoners, and other extreme sporters excluded)? It’s so delicious that I don’t even bother with a slice of lemon. I fortunately get water automatically delivered from my refrigerator, so cold that I don’t generally need ice cubes. But in this heat, I’ve added them anyway, because they’ll melt fast and otherwise water turns tepid quickly. My freezer makes the cylindrical kind, but if you’re having ice water at a restaurant or bar, you’ll likely get options ranging from crushed to cube to the ice du jour, a big, smooth, round ball (seen most frequently in craft cocktails). This doesn’t mean I don’t want a margarita or a gin and tonic or some other summery drink, but I’ll still drink a glass of water between cocktails, because in this sultry air, you just can’t have too much.