Because you never know who you’re going to be flying with…Over on the Daily Weekly, Caleb Hannan has a story about Molly Ringle, the Seattle author who won this year’s Bulwer-Lyton Fiction Contest for writing the worst sentence of the year. Her award-winning sentence read thusly:”For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity’s affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss–a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity’s mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world’s thirstiest gerbil.”But I beg to differ. I’m pretty sure that the worst sentence I’ve read this year (or, really, in as long as I can remember) is this one, from an AP story about one REALLY bad US Airways flight out of Atlanta.”Maggots falling from an overhead bin from a spoiled container of meat forced an US Airways flight to return to the gate so the bin could be cleaned.”Yeah, that’s right. Maggots. Raining down from an overhead compartment where some genius had, for reasons unspecified, packed a bunch of rotten meat into his carry-on. That beats gerbil-kisses hands-down in my book.You can read the entire (completely friggin’ disgusting) AP story here.And thanks a bunch to for the heads up on this one.