Because nothing soothes the savage three-year-old like sugar. Start your sweet run

Because nothing soothes the savage three-year-old like sugar. Start your sweet run at Mighty-O Donuts, 2110 N. 55th St., which is marking the launch of a new spiced rum cake doughnut by handing out free minis to children dressed as pirates from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Note the lack of small print in the blog post, which leaves room for the widest possible interpretation of both “children” and “pirates.”)Then marshal your crew back into the car to drive 3 miles west to Ballard for more free sugar. From 2 to 9 p.m., Fresh Flours is holding grand opening festivities for its new Ballard store (5313 Ballard Ave. N.W.). The celebration includes handing out free mini cookies, with no restrictions on attire or age limit. A short run around Ballard Commons Park, perhaps a friendly little meltdown, and they should be asleep by the time you snap them back into their car seats.