There’s a kind of madness at loose here, from the sheer number of films (something in the neighborhood of 250 features this year, from 85 different countries) to the variety of events involved.
Susan Sarandon smothers in her latest role.
Too much of Civil War involves ginning up the phony conflict and preparing future storylines.
It’s just another in a long line of ‘meh’ Hemingway films.
My Golden Days is a typically ardent example of the French coming-of-age film—maybe too typical at times, although it has surprises in store.
Despite the clumsiness, the film casts a spell. Its jazz rhythm has something to do with this.
Remniscent of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jeff Nichols’ new film, featuring a supernatural boy, misses the fun that made its precursors shine.
If you thought your family was bad, wait until you see this film.
Esperanza Spalding, Susan Orlean, The Flavr Blue, David Crosby and more.
In the filmmaker’s latest, moments pass like sands through the hourglass, or tears in rain, or whatever other greeting-card profundity you want to offer.
From the outside, my barbershop on First Hill looks like every Main Street America tonsorial parlor, complete with the striped…
From the outside, my barbershop on First Hill looks like every Main Street America tonsorial parlor, complete with the striped…
“Scrambled is my favorite eggs style. What about yours?” The speaker is Lisa, a lonely, sincere, somewhat vapid woman sharing…
The Revenant is a huge whopping spectacle, the likes of which have rarely been seen since Cecil B. DeMille ordered…
Opening Friday Event Yadda. (NR) Details Event Yadda. (NR) Details….. TK few openings this dead week……see the Film 2016 grid…
Thursday night marked the official red-carpet opening of the 41st edition of the Seattle International Film Festival at McCaw Hall….
You may know him as Sandy Ryerson on Glee or Stu Beggs on Californication or Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day—the…
Talking about supposedly true Bigfoot stories with John Portanova, I stop him for a clarification: Does he mean true or…
Over the years, and there have been many, I have heard the mandarins of SIFF say “We’re slimming down the…