Feast of Love: Greg Kinnear Is the Sexiest Man in Portland!

Based on a 2000 novel by then–University of Michigan prof Charles Baxter, Feast of Love transposes the setting from an idealized Ann Arbor to an idealized Portland, where men play touch football on the grassy lawns of Portland State University while philosophy professors mingle with coeds in a coffee shop called Jitters. The cafe in question is run by Bradley (Greg Kinnear), an eager fellow who has no luck with the ladies. After his first wife leaves him for another woman, Bradley immediately gets hitched again to Diana (Radha Mitchell), a real-estate agent who doesn’t believe in true love. Meanwhile, Bradley’s two troubled young baristas are falling in mad, mad love over the cappuccinos that they decorate with foam hearts. But two couples do not a 2007 intersecting-story-line movie make, so, yes, there’s yet another relationship: Morgan Freeman and Jane Alexander are in old-people love, which means that they hug a lot and drink wine together in their creaky-floored, tastefully decorated Victorian home. Feast lays out an interesting project for itself—to catalog the look and feel of relationships at different stages in our lives. But for a film that purports to be an epic consideration of Love in Our Time, it’s strikingly uninterested in any but the most obvious kind of romantic love. In this rosy, cosy world, either you fall for someone in the blink of an eye, or you never do.