Grisly details and grieving family fail to sway all-white jury.
A group of punks are sticking it to City Hall with an initiative to repeal Seattle’s poster ban.
Can and remake themselves into Web-Marts?
The administration’s antitrust crusade may hurt Gore’s chances in Redmond, but help him in California.
Liberation technology
A Microsoft executive accuses the company of cooking its books.
Why Mark Sidran loves to be hated.
Forget the feds. It’s up to an obscure Utah company to prove what we already know: that Microsoft is a monopoly.
Can Pioneer Square survive an onslaught of stadiums and chain stores?
The term-limits movement declares war on one of its own—Congressman George Nethercutt.
Some surprisingly sane scientists (and one moderately sane Microsoft exec) want to use your PC to find alien radio transmissions.
As owl and salmon protections fizzle, a desperate attempt is made to hammer out a statewide forest conservation plan.
in, and out
Microsoft built the most popular gaming site on the Web despite itself.
On February 25, when the latest sure-to-drive-Wall Street-mad Web business,, opened, nobody could get in. Well, maybe not quite…
Seattle may soon get its fair share of federal homeless funds. And that spells disaster.
‘Real World’ Seattle finally hits the tube.
Dealing with Washington, DC, Microsoft lends a whole new meaning to the word “network.”
What does salmon have to do with term limits?
Microsoft’s campaign to give every student a laptop meets resistance—from Bill Gates’ alma mater
Recent moves by Microsoft and may be signs of desperation.
My boss sent me to Canada, and all I got was this lousy hangover.
Last summer, Rob Glaser pissed off Bill Gates. Now, Microsoft is doing to RealNetworks what it did to Netscape.