You always make a big deal about the stresses of being in a relationship to get sex. What about all…
It’s hard to believe that it’s been one month since the ominously dubbed Attack on America. It seems like a…
Dear Dategirl, I finally figured out where the mysterious “third nipple,” displayed smack dab between the other two breasts so…
I got hate mail! OK, it’s more like dislike mail, but still—I am so excited. While most of the letters…
Sometimes I wonder if life is simple or complicated. Then I read your answers and realize that life is simple….
I thought you might appreciate my shoe-shopping analogy. Some time ago, I went on a blind date—the kind where he…
I have a question you might be able to shed some light on. After almost reaching the ancient age of…
OK, a couple weeks back (Dategirl, Dec. 10) I let a reader named Julia spout off tips for men writing…
I read Not a Mean Guy’s letter [Dategirl, Dec. 28, 2005] and am astounded that men continue to be complete…
Dear Dategirl, My wife has this friend whom she likes very much. Since we got married, every time my wife…
Hello Dategirl, I’m a 31-year-old male who is happily in love. I have a great sex life. Oh, and I’m…
I am dating a fantastic man. I’m 37 years old and have never been married. I’ve dated all types, and…
I e-mailed you a few years back and said that I was a virgin who was wondering if my spiritual…
I love your wide variety of interesting columns. When I feel crushed by loneliness, boom, there’s a letter from some…
I’ve only slept with three men in my life. My ex-husband and two guys I dated last year. Right now,…
Please do not start another cycle of prison love letters! Your loyal readers should not be so abused. Prison love…
What is your take on the concept of “love at first sight”? Personally, I think it’s hooey, but I know…
While you make some decent points about dual PMS, I’ve got to take exception to your advice to Tom, who…
Dategirl, here’s my deal: Several months ago, I broke up with my girlfriend. Before and during our relationship, I had…
Being an advice, ahem, “professional,” I subscribe to approximately a dozen dopey e-mail lists. So in addition to the get-your-green-card-now…