Dear Mexican, Why do Mexicans paint stripes on their donkeys in Tijuana? Avenida Revolución Reveller Dear Gabacho, Same reason we…
Dear Mexican, As a Mexican, I’m always ashamed of the fact that a lot of Mexican women just come to…
Dear Mexican, Where I recently started working, Latinos make up about 95 percent of the work force. We are, however,…
Dear Mexican, What’s with calling yourselves “La Raza“? Being Mexicans, Chicanos, or whatever isn’t enough—now you’re THE race? Sounds pretty…
¡ASK A MEXICAN! SPECIAL TORTILLA CONTEST EDITION Dear Readers: Gracias, merci, obrigado for the many submissions in our contest asking…
Dear Mexican, Why are there Mexicans in the Border Patrol? What a hypocritical thing to do to our people. Carne…
Dear Mexican, What’s the fascination Mexicans have with Elvis? Good Roceando Tonight Dear Gabacho, It’s taken awhile for Elvis to…
Dear Mexican, Whenever I have an immigration debate with my Chicano hermanos who support open borders and get angry at…
Dear Mexican, I recently went to a baseball game at Dodgers Stadium. It was good to see the familias having…
Dear Mexican, I recently went to a baseball game at Dodgers Stadium. It was good to see the familias having…
Dear Mexican, First it was Native Americans, then blacks, then the Japanese. For a while, Muslims. Now I fear that…
Dear Mexican, I’m a Mexican-American, but I always lie and tell people my ancestors were from Spain. My whole family…
Dear Mexican, Why did the Mexican comedian Cantinflas never catch on in Hollywood? I thought he was supposed to usher…
Dear Mexican, Whenever I see the television show COPS, the white folks pull over and hope no one searches anything,…
Dear Mexican, Consider the similarities between my people, the Celtic Scots, and yours, the Hispanic Mexicans. Both our people trace…
Dear Mexican: I work at a Seattle-based company, and our Customer Service Department uses a phone-tree system that asks all…
SPECIAL DIA DE LOS IMPUESTOS EDITION Dear Mexican, Sitting on my desk is a levy from the Internal Revenue Service…
Dear Mexican, Why are indigenous peoples from north of the Rio Grande called redskins and those from south of it…
Dear Mexican, I’m a gay man in his mid-30s who has always loved Mexican men. And this question is not…
Dear Mexican, Since moving to Aztlán from Boston, I’ve spent so much time with my next-door neighbor from Mexico City…