Viva Voce look on the bright side, darkly.
After surviving an inaugural tour with the Decemberists, Talkdemonic’s Lisa Molinaro returns to her day job.
Portland folkie Alela Diane keeps it relative on The Pirate’s Gospel. By Corey Dubrowa
M. Ward’s postwar predictions.
As the world grows increasingly bleak, indie-rockwunderkind Stephen Malkmus tries whistling in the dark for his band’s latest, the sprawling, freewheeling Pig Lib.
Os Mutantes’ obscure psych classics.
Purportedly a return to the guitar buzz of The Bends or a companion piece to the classic OK Computer, Radiohead’s Hail to the Thief proves all that and less.
Rereleased 10 years after initiating a rear-guard action against an unyielding music industry, Pavement’s Slanted and Enchanted still sounds like the future of rock.
Rap supernova 50 Cent is the latest king of the hip-hop nation. But how long can he survive his reign?
The continuing adventures of Billy Corgan, holy roller
WHITE STRIPES, “Fell in Love With a Girl” (V2) “I said it once before but it bears repeating”—the little duo…