As we stand here together this week in our Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/ Solstice festive finery, on the brink of a brand-new millennium…
A small high-tech group fights to restore the erased identities of displaced Kosovars.
My dad sold seed corn. He was an amazing salesman and selling seed was his perfect job: He got to…
Two privacy initiatives propose to do the job Olympia’s lawmakers won’t.
An improbable bike appeals to the geek need for speed.
The shifting sands of Net legislation make for expensive real estate.
I’ll bet you’re wondering why I haven’t smacked Amazon around lately. I’ll bet you think I’m getting slack. I’ll bet…
Will the Net make—or break—the fantasy legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien?
Month-by-month highlights—and lowlights.
Rather than humans adapting to virtual reality, computer interfaces are adapting to ours.
Trip back with me for a moment, dear reader, to a simpler time—a time of magazines such as Virtual City…
The Amazon flack designated to handle the recent Scientology dustup sounded terribly tired by the end of last week. The…
The terrain is recognizable, but the natives are rank strangers.
Because nothing in this world lives or dies alone and because the obsessive dot-com deathwatch in the news could make…
Not a season goes by without some study claiming the Net makes people weird. This time the honors are done…
An interview with Karl Auerbach, ICANN at-large representative for the United States and Canada. Mr. Aeurbach was elected on 11…
Techie tomes to take to the beach.
DNA privacy is the subject of debate in both Washingtons. Will they protect your personal code?
This is not an open letter to Jeff Bezos. If an honest-to-god Net-publishing pioneer like Tim O’Reilly has no traction…
Sunday night a friend called me screaming. She lives in New York, and at 12:01am EDT (that is, Monday morning)…