LAST YEAR, federal wildlife biologists were caught seeding the habitat they inventoried with lynx hair. Last week, Nature abashedly retracted…
Forget all this millennium hype. First we’ve got to get through 1999. We’ll be so obsessed with entering “the 2000s”…
Every time someone talks about how great SoDo—er, Safeco—Field looks, I remember Thomas Carlyle, the cantankerous Scottish author of “The…
Seattle’s library opts to keep useful, offbeat arts collections.
The lose-lose war at Neah Bay.
Small schools howl as newly wired big districts pull the plug on the region’s pioneering media library.
Sound Transit jettisons Northgate, Southcenter, and North Capitol Hill, and passes a cautious rail plan. Maybe we don’t have to give up so much…
WHERE I WENT to school, everyone had to read the same books, so I was thrilled when local lit-booster Nancy…
If she’s so ‘committed to public service,’ why is Jennifer Dunn eyeing the private sector?
“AMERICANS SHOULD watch what they say” took on new meaning last week, after Seattle police responded to a panicked call…
Oil spill crusaders finally get their rescue boats—sort of.
How to lose your car: Ask the tow company to move it for you.
Didja hear the news brief about the septuagenarian officials of a town back East who promised to jump out of…
The ‘win-win’ plan to save the Loomis sparks backlash.
As Westlake Park rabble-rousing goes, this was barely a peep. The eight or so Serbo-Seattleites who turned out last Wednesday…
LIKE A BAD PENNY, like Richard Nixon, like hope springing eternal, the idea just keeps coming back: to add a…
Humans tame another stray killer whale.
From Unocal to United for Seattle’s Jack Creighton—with the Taliban between.
It is a fable of oppression and betrayal. A Southeast Asian military regime amazes the world by letting an oppressed…
NOT TO DIMINISH Daniel Pearl’s courage and accomplishment or the horror of his murder and the vileness of his murderers,…