In 1997, Wyclef released himself from his Fugee bonds and dropped his genre-busting, soul-rattling, pop-cum-Creole debut album, The Carnival. Ten yearsand several albumslater, the Haitian MC/renaissance man sailed its sequel across the Caribbeansand the music industrysrough waters. The Carnival II: Memoirs of an Immigrant is, like its predecessor, an explosive cocktail of catchy cosmopolitanism thats more reflective of Wyclefs adopted homeland than Homeland Security would like you to remember. Alternative title: Once Upon a Time in America. Besides offering the usual slew of special appearances (and the ability to make even Chamillionaire listenable), this album also serves as a reminder that, despite sometimes-disappointing sales, Clef hasnt gone anywhere; indeed, hes never left. With Lyfe Jennings. KEVIN CAPP
Tue., Feb. 12, 8 p.m., 2008