Thursday, April 17

On WHY?’s third and latest release, Alopecia, WHY? mitigates the discordant craziness of previous records with cleaner, tighter musical arrangements, proving once and for all that it is possible to make angsty, experimental hip hop that’s also melodic and pretty. This newfound cohesion marks a serious shift in the hip hop/indie pop ratio; though indie rapper Yoni Wolf made good music alone, he made the right decision when he invited Josiah Wolf and Doug McDiarmid (not to neglect Alopecia contributors Andrew Broder and Mark Erickson) to sign on. The record’s instrumentals complement Yoni Wolf’s tongue twisters without overpowering or obscuring them, making it WHY?’s most polished, accessible work to date. Even if a few haters decry Yoni Wolf’s more polished, melodious approach to his indie hop experimentation, the vast majority should appreciate the record for the creative breakthrough it represents. With Mt. Eerie, Julie Dorion, Generifus. The Vera Project, Seattle Center, Warren Ave. N. and Republican. 7:30 p.m. $9/$8 with club card. All ages. SARA BRICKNER

Thu., April 17, 7:30 p.m., 2008