Train Man

In Train Man, a nation of lonely hearts is connected by e-mail, IM, and SMS, making the 2005 movie seem contemporary indeed. Supposedly based on a actual cybercourtship, the story has a shy dork (Takayuki Yamada) enlist his online buddies to help with his makeover and wooing of a chic mystery girl he spies on the subway (Miki Nakatani of the Ringu movies). It’s a SimCity romance by proxy, and director Masanori Murakami has great fun with multiple screens and kanji-character messages of support—“You’ve got all of us by your side!”—which, plus the subtitles, tile the movie screen like pop-up ads on your PC. The supporting chorus of shut-ins (both emotional and literal) is the most comic and enjoyable aspect of Train Man’s sentimental journey, though the last stop is unexpected. Any movie in which the hero can win the girl with trivia from The Matrix and computer-shopping advice should offer hope to the IT crowd. And here’s a helpful dating tip: Program all your conversational cues into your iPhone for quick reference during that special romantic dinner. The Sunday series “Guilty Pleasures: Popular Films From Asia” continues through Feb. 21. (NR) BRIAN MILLER BRIAN MILLER

Sun., Feb. 7, 1:30 p.m., 2010