“The Program? Why did we do the Program? It’s five days of hip-hop in the town. Hella local and regional artists. It’s a good idea. Why not do it?” says Blue Scholars’ DJ Sabzi of, you guessed it, what the impetus was behind the Scholar-curated the Program, a five-day stand/all-out holiday feast of local and regional hip-hop at Neumo’s that kicks off tonight. He’s right to be straightforward; not much more needs be said, as the acts they’ve lined up as openers each night speak for themselves. Tonight: Swollen Members, Unexpected Arrival,
Sirens Echo, and DJ DV One. Wednesday: Common Market, D. Black, Sleep of Old Dominion, and Vitamin D. Thursday: Saturday Knights, Khingz, Grynch, and B-Mello. Friday: Dyme Def, J. Pinder, GMK, and Jake One. Saturday: Cancer Rising, the Physics, and DJ Bles One. Enough said.
Listen to a sample of Blue Scholars’ “NXNW Jake One Remix.”
var so = new SWFObject(“http://media.seattleweekly.com/players/vvmMiniPlayer.swf?audioFile=http://media.newtimes.com/id/1709871/&autoPlay=no”, “theSWF”, “91”, “32”, “8”, “#FFFFFF” ); so.write( “player” );
Tue., Dec. 18, 8 p.m., 2007