“Groundhog Day,” the opening track of Corin Tucker’s fierce second solo album, Kill My Blues, tears off with all the brawl and aggression of Sleater-Kinney’s most memorable material. The song recalls Tucker’s riot-grrrl rage in its lyrical content as well, with Tucker, calling herself “Rip Van Winkle in a denim miniskirt,” referencing the time she took to get married and have children—“Did I lay down, did I fall asleep?/On the backs of the women who have come before me?”—and rallying herself back to her role as rock star and feminist icon—“What does it mean now, why can’t I wake up?/Is our generation stuck in a deep rut?” Love songs, a eulogy, and a tribute to Joey Ramone follow, but “Groundhog Day” showcases Tucker at her best and strongest—getting political, taking it personally, and using her strikingly forceful voice to take up the torch for modern womankind. With Houndstooth, Dude York. ERIN K. THOMPSON
Fri., Oct. 12, 8 p.m., 2012