Seattle Weekly’s REVERB Local Music Festival

Imagine a festive, all-day block party with all the beer and live music your heart desires in a much less annoying neighborhood than Capitol Hill. That’s REVERB Fest – there aren’t many more beloved places to bar hop in this city than Old Ballard Avenue, and today we’ll have stages and beer gardens set up at all your favorite spots, from the Sunset to the Salmon Bay Eagles. Plus, REVERB is like the locavore of music festivals – all the musicians in the lineup call Seattle home. That means all of the area’s rock (Wild Orchid Children, The Young Evils), hip hop (Helladope, Victor Shade), folk (Lindsay Fuller, Cady Wire), jazz, DJs, and so much more that you’ve been meaning to get acquainted with is available at your fingertips, all in one day. We do what we can. ERIN K. THOMPSON

Sat., Oct. 9, 3 p.m., 2010