The north entrance to the Pacific Science Center, a modernist esplanade of composite gravel and 1960s faux-buttress arches, is one of the coolest yet most underutilized public spaces in this town. That changes for tonights Science With A Twist party amidst the arches, part of an ongoing series of 21-and-over events at the center happening the third Thursday of every month. Fire! (performers) and Ice! (cold cocktails) are the main manifestations this time round. In Seattle as part of a 20,000-mile awareness trek from South to North America, riders from Ride for Climate will also stop by to talk about their journey. You want more? OK, there will also be super-cool science demos, and jazz/funk/R&B group Pocket Change provides the nights soundtrack. The PSC makes being a nerd cool, and thats hot.
Science With a Twist