Because even vampires apparently still need to make a living, Peter MurphyBauhaus front man, longtime solo artist, and, of course, the Dark Underlord of Gothis kicking off his Retrospective Tour tonight in Seattle. Its been 30 years since Bauhaus grabbed the androgynous glam-rock of Bowie and the severe post-punk of Joy Division, dragged them both to the graveyard for a feeding, and then emerged with their atmospheric, theatrical gloom-rock, with Murphys rich, sonorous voice and mercurial presence leading the way. Much of the bands catalog remains fresh and vital, and this years farewell album, Go Away White, is surprisingly good; Murphys solo work over the past 20-plus years has been spotty, but 1990s Deep (which includes his massive hit Cuts You Up) is still a fine listen. As the title of the tour suggests, material from ol Petes entire careerpossibly including his short-lived early-80s band, Dalis Caris fair game. Bela Lugosis not dead yet!
Fri., May 30, 8 p.m., 2008