On the walls and floor of Western Bridge are shadows cast by a stand of trees. Only the gallery is in an industrial zone, with a bare parking lot outside. Mary Temple created the shadows by staining plywood planks set upon the floor, and layering a second white on white walls. The shadows overlap and confuse themselves with the sunlight cast by Western Bridge’s narrow skylights. The piece, entitled Raise, plays with Roy McMakin’s design of the space: A false shadow seemingly cast by an actual window causes the viewer to look more closely at the architecture of the building itself. Take your shoes off, and you can walk on the art, better to see the details of trunk, leaf, and branch as they distort the point where floor meets wall. Where a silhouette of trees falls across a layer of veneer, a fake woods is set upon a floor of manufactured wood panels. It’s a believable lie, a transposed view, beautiful in all its organic detail.