Nacho Picasso & Blue Sky Black Death

Enough superlatives have been spilled about Nacho P’s sociopathic funny-guy rasp and BSBD’s gauzy electro-slappers to choke any rap-hating prude, but the truth is these guys are one of local hip-hop’s most complete packages. With three next-level full-lengths to their credit—all released in the past year (more or less), all available online for free download—the team has thumbed their nose at traditional release philosophies, choosing to embrace their creative moment rather than take the time to let the mainstream hype cycle catch up to them. Though their talent has been sporadically noted on a national level, they’ve yet to garner the consistent praise they deserve, which may still leave them on the industry’s periphery—but perhaps they’re best experienced while they’re still lurking in the shadows. With Key Nyata, Skull & Bones, DJ Tigerbeat. TODD HAMM

Fri., Oct. 26, 9 p.m., 2012