Responsible for more than 30 albums and EPs in the past 15 yearsand thats just his solo workthe dreadlocked Los Angeles-based rapper and Living Legends crew member Murs has undeniably established himself as a fixture in the annals of West Coast underground hip-hop. And though he briefly made the major label leap with 2008s Murs For President, his most recent record For Never reunites him with North Carolina producer extraordinaire 9th Wonder for the fourth timean always exciting pairing of skills that nearly offsets his ambitious but failed promise to drop ten records in ten months. A talented lyricist when it comes to both comedy and social analysis, and the storytelling that ties both together, its most heartening to hear that Murs is once again comfortable in his own shoes. With Tabi Bonney, Whole Wheat Bread, Ab-Soul, DJ Foundation. NICK FELDMAN
Tue., Feb. 22, 8 p.m., 2011