Monday’s Action

The sixth and final qualifying round of the Re-Bar Spelling Bee.

Drinking Games

Seattle Spelling Bee

If Spellbound, Akeelah and the Bee, and Wordplay are any indication, we’ve been word-crazy for more than a minute. Tonight, spell f-u-n at the sixth and final qualifying round of the Re-bar Spelling Bee, a much more entertaining alternative to beer pong or Asshole (though you could very well make one of yourself). Encouraging and jovial hosts Josh Malamy and Benjamin Williams have set the rules for minimum humiliation—you get three strikes before you’re out, but with words like “yttriferous” coming at you, they’re not tossing softballs, either. Like many events at the theater/club, audience cheerleading is encouraged; for nailing a killer like “cicisbeism,” word nerds get long-overdue applause they likely never earned as kids on the sports field. Each month’s top three winners get drink tickets and a spot in the January 8 finals, but the tongue-tied will likely have had theirs loosened way in advance. Re-bar, 1114 Howell Ave., 206-233-9873, Signup starts at 7 p.m., bee at 8. $5. RACHEL SHIMP