Our soggy March is the appropriate season for the annual Moisture Festival, which offers a deluge of events and attractions. For some, that means clowns and family matinees. For others, the appeal lies in skimpy costumes, cheap innuendo, boobs, and pasties. Appropriately, for those 18 and older, the fest is tonight opening a “Libertease Burlesque” stand at the Broadway Performance Hall, running Fri.-Sat. through March 31 at 7:30 & 10:30 p.m. (Shows also continue at Hale’s Palladium through April 8 and will arrive at the Georgetown Ballroom March 30-April 1.) Among the familiar local titillation artists including Lily Verlaine, Waxie Moon, and Shanghai Pearl is the visiting Baltimore duo of Trixie Little & the Evil Hate Monkey. They promise an acrobatic brand of burlesque, with plenty of hip thrusts and naughty gyrations. Also, they’ve performed with John Waters and The Flaming Lips, which is endorsement enough for us. House band for the burlesque performances will be the Zebra Kings, with the scantily clad Madame X as emcee. T. BOND
March 15-April 8, 2012