
When I saw Mansions, aka Christopher Browder, at the Sunset back in February , I was struck by how the recent Seattle transplant (by way of Kentucky) sounded so in tune with his Pacific Northwest surroundings. At times Browder was plaintive, stripped down, and hushed, reminding me instantly of Fences; at opposing intervals, with uptempo, driving guitar anthems and a yearning wail, Browder called to mind the sweeping indie rock of Death Cab. Since his arrival, the singer-songwriter wasted little time acquainting himself with the scene, touring and teaming up with—wait for it—Fences, with whom he released a split seven-inch EP in July. Whether Browder will remain in Seattle permanently is anyone’s guess, but as he laments in “On My Way”—”I could sleep for days/And dream it all away”— his sentiments reflect the prevailing Seattle attitude as we all settle in for the cold, encroaching winter. With White Wives, Koji, Ryan Hyde. GWENDOLYN ELLIOTT

Tue., Dec. 6, 8 p.m., 2011