You know that saying, “reeks of potential?” Well, the phrase is apt for Bellingham trio Jet Lag Palm. JLP knocked around for a few years before cementing their present line up, and are currently playing dues-worthy gigs like the one at the Central last week. These boys seem to have come up with a particularly intoxicating aroma that possesses a heavy, heavy top note of Replacements (so much so they claim Minneapolis is their town home and are seriously contemplating moving there. I have one almost-word for you boys…brrrrrr), an under note of Wilco, wispy hints of Whiskeytown on a bender, The Boss and Budweiser. Songwriter Jude Huff seems able to walk the precarious tightrope of ripping off his beer-soaked heroes without sounding like a redundant thief and I’m hoping these boys don’t leave us before they spread their bar band Eau de Westerberg around a little.
Wed., July 23, 8 p.m., 2008