Is it Jeff or Jeffrey? With his regular celebrity roasts on Comedy Central, we’ve known the comic as Jeffrey Ross. But if he prefers the shorter, punchier iteration for his Jeff Ross Roasts America tour, who are we to argue? He’s funny by either moniker, especially when trashing figures like Donald Trump and Charlie Sheen. And lately Ross has been expanding his humor to topics as much as people—not a bad idea, since you can only climb so far down the celebrity ladder until you run out of rungs. (Sample, while roasting David Hasselhoff: “What are the odds an alcoholic gets cast in a show about a car that drives itself?”) In fact, to demonstrate his new political engagement, Ross visited the Occupy L.A. protesters last fall to roast Wall Street. “I’ve never been in the 99th percentile of anything,” he marveled at the motley throng. “Is this a protest or a Phish concert?” And though he praised the cause and claimed solidarity with its free-speech rights (because, he noted, “I talk shit for a living”), he couldn’t resist tweaking his audience a little bit. “As a Jew,” he said, “it’s particularly hard for me not to side with the banks.” BRIAN MILLER
Sun., Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m., 2012